About Us

Equipment List

HTC T5 Grinder

    • Smallest Unit
    • 3 Headed Machine
    • Can be taken apart for harder to reach areas and down/up the stairs
    • 220 v power

HTC x6

    • Mid-sized machine
    • 4 headed machine
    • 220 v power

HTC x8

    • Largest sized machine
    • Best polisher and prep/grinder machine available
    • Runs on propane


    • We have a vac to match each of the grinder units (3 total)
    • All come with HEPA filters that allow all of these processes to be dust free

Concrete Polishing

  • This is our bread and butter. I compare it most easily to the process of sanding wood. However all of the tools used in concrete polishing are diamond embedded. There are 3 types of tools that we use. Diamond metal bond, diamond hybrid pucks and polishing pucks are all necessary for the best product. During the process we use a product called densifier. This soaks into the surface and hardens and darkens it. The last product we use is an LS Guard. This is the final seal that is burned with a hog hair paid temperatures over 90 degrees in order to activate anti oil and grease properties of the sealer. Many commercial options are going to this as it’s much cheaper to install and refinish compared to epoxy and is no longer lasting. Very little material involved. We can control aggregate (stones in concrete) exposure based on types of tooling, how it was poured and size and weight of the machine. Stained options can also be done. Much more of a showcase option compared to industrial with minimum upcharge for the stain itself.

Epoxy Marble Metallic

  • After prepping the surface by grinding with aggressive diamonds using one of our grinders, we will clean and apply a base coat of epoxy. We will use more material in this process than any other. Adding special color packs to full kits of epoxy and swirling around and guiding piles o material into colorful and clever ways. Full chemical cure takes 12 hours before the material is finished moving and drying so e can get back on it for top coats. Product changes overnight and is hard to exactly replicate work found on the internet.
  • After prepping the surface by grinding with aggressive diamonds using one of our grinders, we will clean and apply a base coat of epoxy. After dry we will apply another coat of epoxy and throw a heavy flake broadcast on until flake rejection. After dry we will gather up extra flakes by sweeping and scraping and will apply multiple coats of UV stable poly topcoat to protect the floor.

Cement Overlay

  • After the surface has been prepped using our grinders, we apply primer and let it dry. After dry we hand mix and hand trowel concrete mix down using multiple gauging tools so thickness remains same. When still wet, we are able to stamp in multiple designs. After dry we will make any touchups and add desired colors and top coats.